Side Projects

Two solo albums from members of two bands I highly respect.

Still on a concert high from seeing them 2 weeks ago, Hot Chip's front man Alexis Taylor just squeezed out his debut solo album this week as well. Because of his trademark vocals from Hot Chip, my first impression of Rubbed Out is similar to when I heard Thom Yorke's The Eraser. "Is this a Radiohead B-sides collection?"

So at first listen, Rubbed Out, is immediately a easy album to digest, well because it just feels like Hot Chip. If you like the band, you will probably like Taylor's solo material. It is not exactly Hot Chip (Joe Goddard definitely instills some magic into the songs as well) but the song writing is there.

Here are some shots from the October 2nd show at Terminal 5 in NYC.

Alexis and his arsenal of keyboards and what not...

Did I mention I was REALLY close to the stage?

The album is much less frenetic (think second half of Made In The Dark) which makes it a great afternoon CD or maybe some late night tunes. There are a few drone tracks scattered in between which the band likes (evidenced by their selection of Growing as their opening act). But for the most part, the 80's vibe is strong with this one. I swear Cyndi Lauper was going to make a cameo on track at one point with some Time After Time lyrics (The band is definitely a fan of the song. At the Friday show at Terminal 5, it was the first song played after the house lights turned on. The crowd immediately started to sing-a-long in a giant group hug as if it was the last song on prom night).

MP3: Girl (ysi)

Next up, Mobius Band is back with the 2nd of their 3 promised free EPs. The first came out wwaaaaaayyy back in February (at least it feels like it's been forever). Love Will Reign Supreme, a collection of covers songs (most notably was their take on Daft Punk's Digital Love). Their second effort is actually the debut solo EP of drummer Noam Shactz who goes by the name 3rdness. Red Chantrelles is strictly an electronic album and unlike the Hot Chip infused Rubbed Out, this does not sound like typical Mobius Band. (However, the band's recent infatuation with synth's is definitely due to Shactz's influence.

The entire EP is free so I won't post it all. Head over to the Mobius Band website to get the rest and a few more freebies from the band.

MP3: Oxford Girl (ysi)

Lead singer, Ben gives his opinion of the album, "My favorite song is the last one, "Kraut Dog." But don't take my word for it, I've been talking to a parrot for the last 3 months." (Just got to this track and it's definitely the most Mobius Band sounding of them all - minus the vocals or lack there of. Worthy download...)

I met these guys when they opened for The Editors in Miami but unfortunately (running on Cuban time) missed their set. So what do you say Mobius Band? Wanna come visit us again? The weather is finally amazing over here!
"Meticulously tweaked blips and beeps. The electronic sounds of Mobius Band are largely the result of Noam Schatz's obsession with circuit-bent keyboards, which he constructs by shorting the circuit boards of old Casios and sampling the rather chaotic results." - MAGNET

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