Off the Radar & Lipstick Mafia Present a Screening of Cult Movie 'The Room' Wed 2/4 @ The Standard

This Wednesday Off the Radar & Lipstick Mafia Present a Screening of Cult Movie "The Room" by Tommy Wiseau!

"The Room" ( is being touted as The Modern Rocky Horror Picture Show and has been called by NPR "A Cult Hit So Bad, It's Good"

It might be the most unintentionally hilarious film of all time and the LM is bringing this Los Angeles cult phenomenon to MIA.

"The Room has even infiltrated the halls of cinematic academia. ''It is one of the most important films of the past decade,'' says Ross Morin" -Ent. Weekly

The film has a HUGE celebrity following, and stars are even doing screenings at their homes: "Role Models star Paul Rudd and Arrested Development's David Cross are both fans, as is Jonah Hill, who uses a still from the movie as his MySpace photograph. Heroes star Kristen Bell hosts Room-viewing parties at her house and last year attended the film's monthly Laemmle screening with Rudd, Hill, and Shaun of the Dead director Edgar Wright.

''There is a magic about that film that is indescribable,'' she says." -Ent.

Doors at 8pm. Early arrival is encouraged for best seating.

Screening starts at 9pm sharp in the Standard lobby.

Off the Radar music from 8-12 in the Lido Bar by Ray Milian, Danny Ashe & Tom Wareham.

$5 beer, $6 wine, $8 cocktail specials all night.

Valet for $7 with bar validation. Carpooling, bike or taxi is encouraged.

Extra parking available at Purdy lounge (a short walk to the Standard)

Off the Radar
'Live Sessions'
@ The Standard Hotel
8PM till Midnight-ish...
No Cover
40 Island Ave,
Miami Beach

*** After Party @ Purdy Lounge w/Joshy Josh & Off the Radar DJ's!!

Here's the Trailer for 'The Room'::


Unknown said...

Kristin Bell got killed off of heroes! dont you keep up? :)

Anonymous said...

I love Tommy Wiseau, and if you can buy his movie from Amazon. The Room! Hi dogee.........