
Questions is a new artist from L.A. who recently contacted us. Don't know much about him. His myspace is pretty bare bones. Seems he's just getting started. Only has 21 friends there at the moment, but don't think that will be for long.

He sent us a sick remix he did for Royksopp's 'Tricky Tricky'. One of two tracks on Royksopps new album Junior that features Karin Dreijer Andersson from The Knife/Fever Ray. Think that was a good choice for a remix since Fever Ray has been doing so well this year. He did an excellent job with it, slowing it down and making it darker. Plus I can never get enough of Karin's voice  :)

In addition to his remixing he also makes great original music. Like this excellent track he sent us called 'One Half Step' from an EP he recently put out. Great happy-go-lucky dancey instrumental number.

Off the Radar is all about helping out up and coming artists like Questions. Show him some love and add his Myspace to keep up to date with news/remixes, etc. Plus it'll probably make him real happy!

It's a win-win.

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