Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti

I was talking to my friend Matt (who has impeccable taste in music) the other day on facebook chat when it inevitably led to us talking about our common passion, music. Besides both of us agreeing how great the new Arcade Fire album is, he mentioned Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti 'Before Today'. Hmmm, never heard them before so I picked it up. Seems it's the handywork of L.A. musician Ariel Pink and was released a couple months ago. After a couple listens I have to say it's a great record! Definitely a grower that will appeal to fans of chillwave with it's downtempo classic sounding vibe. Although I'm sure they probably wouldn't wanna be associated with any labels. Most artists hate that.

Here's a couple of tracks from the album "Fright Night (Nevermore)" and "Round and Round" respectively tracks 4 and 5 on the album. In addition here's a cool disco edit for "Round and Round" by Brooklyn's Night Plane that I found on Hype Machine and their video for "Bright Lit Blue Skies". If you dig these I recommend you pick up the album, you won't be disappointed. Thanks for the heads up Matt.

MP3: Fright Night (Evermore) - Ariel Pink's Haunted Garffiti

MP3: Round and Round - Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti

MP3: Round and Round (Night Plane Disco Edit) - Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti

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