Weekend Video Roundup

Since we all love music videos, and we all know MTV sucks, how about another installment of OTR's Weekend Video Roundup! Because how else are you gonna keep up with all the great new vids out there?

OK, so I've been sitting on this one for like a week now and not sure why because this is such a great video. MGMT's 'Congratulations' vid featuring a Jim Henson-esque birdlike creature leading them through the desert whilst losing pieces along the way may not make a whole lot of sense, but its fun, creative and kinda sad. I feel sorry for that poor thing!

MP3: Congratulations (Spell Your Name With Numbers Remix) - MGMT

On now to the latest from our favorite Welsh woman, the adorable Marina & the Diamonds and her new vid for 'Shampain'. Walk-of-shame zombies? Very clever.

MP3: Shampain (Pictureplane Remix) - Marina & The Diamonds

Finally, this next video is the first I've seen/heard of Los Angeles band Seasons, but I think I'm gonna be keeping an eye on them from now on. This vid is pretty great. Strange clothmen, gorgeous redhead, surreal settings, all playing out to the indie psych-folk sounds of their track 'Light, Lost' seems to be a winning equation. Sorry, no MP3 for this one though.

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