We Can't Enjoy Ourselves :: Devil in the Old Folks Home

Brooklyn indie band We Can't Enjoy Ourselves that we posted about last year here are back! They are getting ready to release new album 'Make a Mess of Sacred Ground' later this year (check out album art above). The first taste of the new album is first single "Devil in the Old Folks Home" and just as everything I've heard from them it is top notch! Super poppy brit-pop sounding track that has been stuck on repeat. Why music like this isn't mainstream versus what is, I will never know. The band has been nice enough to let us post the single as a free download for our readers. Happy us! Grab that sucker below and be on the lookout for that album when it's released, it's bound to be glorious.

MP3: Devil in the Old Folks Home - We Can't Enjoy Ourselves

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