David Bowie :: Love is Lost (Hello Steve Reich Mix by James Murphy)

Sorry been away for so long, but was super busy this week studying for my real estate state exam. Mission accomplished, I passed! Now I can get back to more regular posting...

Heard this amazing remix this week for David Bowie's track "Love is Lost" by James Murphy. I got to see Mr Murphy last Saturday in a Q & A couch session at Bardot where I got to spin as part of the inaugural III Points Wynwood Festival that we posted about. Needless to say he is one witty fellow. It was so good! A pleasure to get to see him talk at such an intimate setting.

Anyways this remix he just released for the thin white duke as part of a deluxe 'The Next Day Extra' being released November 5th is other worldly, so amazing! No words can describe the epicness of this 10 min plus jam. Seems the embedding option on the soundcloud is disabled, but you can check out the track here. Highly recommended. I predict you will pressing play many times on this one.

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