Bufi :: The Dancefloor Slayer

Hmmm seems I've been hearing more and more cool stuff coming out of Mexico lately. I never would have thought. Possible scene developing there? We shall see...

Got this great italo/electro-pop sounding track the other day called 'We Begin' from Bufi who is Mateo Gonzalez and resides in Mexico City. On top of doing amazing remixes for artists such as Cassius he also has a record label called Le Touch Records along with a sweet matching blog of the same name 'Le Touch' . Didn't know he ran it, but Le Touch also happens to be the only spanish music blog I read on a consistent basis. Great content on there! Definitely worth checking out. Seems they have a Black Jesus over there as well. Mario and Xavier you better look into that ;)

Here's We Begin plus an older, but equally as impressive instrumental track from him called 'Make it Over'. Thought I posted back in January, but I can't find it so here it is.

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