Passion Pit / Mister James

Passion Pit who our own Tom Wareham wrote about back in February are set to release their debut album 'Manners' next week May the 19th.

Seems they are getting alot of buzz in the blog world. Seen them in most blogged artists on Hype Machine a few times.

Actually found out about this new release after hearing Miami's own Mister James do a killer remix for one of their tracks 'Little Secrets'. I was gonna post the remix and in the process of looking for the original for comparisons sake found out about the new album.

I've only heard a few tracks so far, but if these are any indication of the rest of the album it's gonna be a great one! Joyful indie pop and synths to get you singing along and bring your spirits up. Not enough of that these days.

Here's a couple tracks from their upcoming album, plus the spectacularly restrained Mister James remix. Enjoy and mark your calendars to buy the whole thing next Tuesday!

Manners Tracklisting::

1. Make Light
2. Little Secrets
3. Moths Wings
4. The Reeling
5. Eyes As Candles
6. Swimming In The Flood
7. Folds In Your Hands
8. To Kingdom Come
9. Sleepyhead
10. Let Your Love Grow Tall
11. Seaweed Song

** Due to Danny's recommend for 'The Reeling' I noticed they have a sweet video for it. Here's that for you as well! Enjoy!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Check out their song "The Reeling"