Wild Nothing

I am always on a quest to find new music to soundtrack my city life via ipod and it's always interesting how it comes my way. Wild Nothing was originally sent to my email by an ex-boyfriend but I filed it under boring just because I didn't really feel like having anything in common with this person anymore. Well I am going to have to wave the white flag because he was right. This semi melancholic youth love rock (yes I just made up a genre but most people call it shoe gaze or dream pop) is right up my alley. Pains Of Being Pure At Heart is another example of "semi melancholic youth love rock".

Jack Tatum of Virginia is the creative behind the songs playing and recording everything in a home studio and tours with Jeff Haley Nathan Goodman. He released a full length entitled "Gemini" on Captured Tracks May 25th. Check out their tracks "Summer Holiday" and "Bored Games", if you like it pick up the album!

MP3: Summer Holiday - Wild Nothing

MP3: Bored Games - Wild Nothing

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